Your Full Name | Roy Tiong Ing Choon |
Your Local Organization | JCI DAMAI |
First Timer | |
1. Which Year is the affiliation of JCI Malaysia Area Sarawak? | 1956 |
2. Which year is hosting LO affliated? | 2016 |
3. Up to date, which state in Malaysia do not have JCI Local Organisation? | Pahang, Terengganu, Perlis |
4. Where will 2024 Asia Pacific Convention being hosted? | Cambodia |
5. Where will 2024 World Congress being hosted? | Taiwan |
6. Take Photo with 5 Area Sarawak Local President. | |
7. Take Photo with 5 Area Sarawak Officers | |
8. Take photo with 1 Past National President. |  |
9. What award won by University of Technology Sarawak for its sustainability? | Platinum Award Green Building Index |
10. Take Photo with Area Sarawak Chairman and posted on Facebook with Hashtag #fittogether and tag Area Chairman. |  |
11. Take photo with Convention Director |  |
12. Take photo with Convention Welcoming Photo Booth |  |
13. Upload 4 session group photo |  |
HTML Block | 13. Upload all the photos to Facebook and tag JCI Malaysia Area Sarawak Facebook Page |
SDGs Challenges | |
Describe 1 project in JCI Malaysia (Any Area or Local Organisation), which SDGs targets was achieved, and why? 1. List the name of te project. 2. What goals are targeted? 3. How does the project achieve the goal? | 1. FOCUS fitness program
2. SDG 3 - Good health and Wellbeing
3. Impact 100 members from all over Sarawak to stay healthy and workout together in 2 months.
Describe 1 Movement in 2023 JCI Malaysia Area Sarawak Convention that aligning and targeting SDGs and why? 1. Observe 1 Movement in ASC which could be target/achieve SDGs. 2. Which SDGs are relevant? 3. How it achieves this goals? 4. Take a relevant photo > Upload to FB > #SDGASC #2023ASwkC #Mission2 | The movement 2023 JCI Malaysia Area Sarawak Convention that aligned SDG is Education, targeted SDG no. 4.
Due to ASC always held and invite a lot diff speakers and training to gain our knowledge, to educate us in a long run always.
Describe 1 Action taken by COC in 2023 JCI Malaysia Area Sarawak Convention that aligning and targeting SDGs and why? 1. Observe 1 action taken by COC in ASC which could be target/achieve SDGs. 2. Which SDGs are relevant? 3. How it achieves this goals? 4. Take a relevant photo > Upload to FB > #SDGASC #2023ASwkC #Mission3 | 1. use own water bottles and straws.
2. SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production
3. Encourage members to bring own bottle and straws to reduce the usage of paper and single use materials.